Ghostbusters: Tampa Division

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Here is the tools to back up our talent here at GB:SC




Proton Pack-

The most basic tool utilized by any and all Ghostbusters. This device allows the user to "lasso" a spectre by hitting it with a beam of pure proton energy and holding it in place for trapping. An invention of genius quality and the most useful device in the basic arsenal of the Ghostbusters.
This perticular model is one of original design, though based off original blueprints from Ghostbusters International, these newer models are quite different and more efficiant for lugging around in sometimes 100+ degree weather than their predicessors. Mostly in terms of weight reduction. They have also been expertly waterproofed for the rainy season we get every year here in Florida.



Proton Pack Mark 5-

Recently, with the expansion of Tampa Division into South Coast Division, newer expansions can be made to the equipment at the team's disposal and developing new Ghostbusting technology has lead to this, the Proton Pack Mark 5. Not much change in terms of power, the biggest advantage is that it has swapped the standard Neutrona thrower for a brand-new wrist-mounted thrower that leaves the operator's hands free to use the PKE meter (primary use) or to use their hands in a hurry without fiddling to secure their thrower first. The pack is still in experimental stages and is not complete yet.


Ghost Trap-

The second most important tool of the Ghostbusting trade. This device is to be used in unison with the Proton pack, when the offending spook, spectre or ghost is held in place over the trap by the proton beams, the user is to step on the activation pedal, which opens the trap doors and emits a powerful energy surge which converts the ghost into ectoplasm and seals it inside for later transfer into the E.C.U.
This model, like its proton pack counterpart is also of an original design, which makes it easier to carry, but also lessens the weight of the device itself. One other advantage, is that the trap can contain more than one ghost without combining the two entities' ectoplasm. So if they are ever released for one reason or another, the two spirits can be separated again.


Proton Pistol-

A newly designed tool for busting ghosts, designed for the trap-layer so that she could more easily perform her duties. With one hand using the proton pistol, she could freely unhook the trap from her belt and slide it out without risking the ghost escaping. The device is a sidearm weapon and the gun hooks onto the hip holster built into the belt.


Psycho Kinetic Energy (P.K.E.) Meter-

This tool is used by Jerry Lewis most of the time, its function is to track down the more elusive spirits that pester the living world. It scans psycho-kinetic signitures left behind by ghosts recently so they can be tracked down for capture.




Ecto Goggles-

The visual companion to the P.K.E. meter, except this tool allows you to VISUALLY track the signatures left behind by the ghosts and can be calibrated to allow you to see ghosts which are invisible to the naked eye. Used most of the time by CEO of South Coast, Mick Nielson.


South Coast Uniforms-

Our own personally designed uniforms of Ghostbusters: South Coast, these suits are completely customized (while still staying within the dress code of GBI) to fit our needs in the hot humid weather we encounter in the generally hot south coast weather as opposed to the northern states. We chose to use a lighter gray color for our flightsuits as opposed to the original tan and charcol ones that Ghostbusters NY pioneered. We wanted to set ourselves apart, so following in the footsteps of Ghostbusters: UK and Ghostbusters: West Coast, we chose uniforms with an un-utilized color.

Ghostbusters: Tampa District