Evil Dead
Ghostbusters Tampa
Undead Holocaust
Production Notes
Evil Dead
Production Stills
Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Evil Dead Fan Films

Evil Dead: Wrath of Satanicus- A year has passed since their battle and Satanicus is now stripped of his powers because of it. Now, the smartass demon must track down the book of the dead to regain his demonic abilities, but to do that he has to get through Ash again... This time though, Satanicus has a little help.

Wrath of Satanicus Trailer

Evil Dead: Ash vs Satanicus. Incorporating the character Ash Williams from the Evil Dead films still chasing down the Book of the Dead, but this time, he tracks it to a small town where he finds an entity named Satanicus, which takes the book for his own purposes. Now with the souls of all mankind in the balance, Ash must battle his deadliest foe yet... Someone with just as much attitude as him.

Evil Dead: Ash vs Satanicus (Part 1)

Evil Dead: Ash vs Satanicus (Part 2)

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