Mick Nielson:
The team leader and resident gearhead of the group, he does the driving and makes the battle-plans. Mick is VERY protective
of the vehicles in the garage and will almost never let the others drive, which makes sense because he is the
best man you could have in the driver's seat of any vehicle with wheels (and some without). He has a habit
of always spouting witty remarks whenever possible. Holds a degree in auto mechanics and a teaching degree
in Para-Psychology.

Kurt Summers:
First introduced to the world of the Supernatural during his first year of college, when he, Mick Nielson, Damon and
Mark Lucas encountered a Terror Dog demon on the school grounds and joined forces to stop it. Afterwards, Kurt was forced
to move to New Jersey for family reasons, but fate later brought him back to Florida and into the position of T.A. to Mick
Nielson's class at a Community College. There, he and Mick encountered another ghost and managed to capture it, thus bringing
Kurt in as a Ghostbuster officially. Kurt is very snide and impulsive, rarely stopping to consider his actions/words before-hand.

Riley Shamus O'Riley:
Applied originally to Ghostbusters NY, but as there were no available positions, Riley was placed in Ghostbusters South
Coast. Mostly effective while intoxicated, he always carries his trusty flask on his belt. User of the brand new wrist-mounted
proton thrower, he is the un-official sharp-shooter of the team. VERY Irish.

Heather Jennings:
Heather joined the team after meeting Mick while teaching at USF during the incident that brought the team back
into business, but didnt join the team until much later on. She is very energetic and entheusiastic about the job and the
paranormal in general, (which helped her while she was on the night shift) now on the day shift most of the time, she's
a regular ball of energy.

Jerry Lewis:
Cousin of Kurt Summers, moved to Florida when Kurt returned there to pursue his teaching career and fell in with the Tampa
Ghostbusters shortly after Kurt joined up. Because of living with a name shared by a famous comedian, he’s grown to
hate the famous counterpart and the only time you will see him angered is when someone assumes he is like him.

Rita Wilson:
The secretary of Ghostbusters: South Coast, she answers the phones, writes the case files, makes apointments and whenever
possible, tries to keep the guys out of trouble.
